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Since 2012 we are advising people on the subject of religious radicalisation.
Our experience has shown one thing: The life stories of those affected are always different. Equally, the way out of a possible radicalisation spiral depends on individual factors.
Do not be afraid to seek help. We will not leave you alone with your need and will accompany you together with our network of experts! The following examples give an insight into what this could involve.
The team of the Advice Centre on Radicalisation at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) conducted 4,500 telephone conversations since the centre was established in 2012.
Faith or extremism?
The team of the Advice Centre on Radicalisation is your first point of contact if you have the impression that your child, pupil or friend may be becoming radicalised towards Islamism. Whatever questions you may have, please call us.The brochure issued by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), "Faith or extremism", provides information about the services offered by the Advice Centre on Radicalisation at the BAMF. It can be ordered on the website of the Federal Office.