Government partners ,

In order to be able to offer and further develop a comprehensive range of counselling services, the Radicalisation Advice Centre Advice cooperates with various players in the respective federal states. The state authorities there coordinate prevention and intervention measures in the areas of Islamic extremism and deradicalisation.

Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation

The Bavaria-wide network for prevention and deradicalisation against Salafism was founded to counter the danger of radicalisation. An important pillar of this network is the "Competence Centre for Deradicalisation" established at the Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation (BLKA).

Competence Centre for the Prevention of Islamism in Lower Saxony (KIP NI)

In 2016, the state government of Lower Saxony established the "Competence Centre for the Prevention of Islamism in Lower Saxony" (KIP NI). This was the first time that a central office was created in Lower Saxony to bundle and institutionalise the activities and already existing networks of state and civil society players in the field of Islamism prevention and to intensify their cooperation.

Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb)

The Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) supports all interested citizens in dealing with politics. The focus of the bpb's work is to promote an awareness of democracy and political participation

Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)

Through its function as a central office, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) supports the police forces of the Federal Republic and the Federal States in this area of politically motivated crime by providing information from reporting services, investigative procedures and evaluation results from national and international partner authorities.

Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV)

As a domestic intelligence service, the BfV has the task of investigating threats from political extremism, terrorism and espionage activities in advance of police measures

Hamburg State Ministry of Labour, Social, Family Affairs and Integration (BASFI)

The concept for preventing and combating religiously motivated extremism and anti-Muslim discrimination, which was adopted in 2014 and further developed in 2016 and 2018, takes an holistic societal approach

Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sport

Under the responsibility of the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sports (HMdIS), the Hessian Information and Competence Centre against Extremism (HKE) has been coordinating and networking interdepartmental and inter-organisational state-wide efforts to prevent and intervene against anti-constitutional efforts since 2013

Ministry for Family, Women, Youth, Integration and Consumer Protection of Rhineland-Palatinate

The State Coordination Office (Department for "Promotion of Democracy, Prevention of Violence and Extremism" in the Ministry for Family, Women, Youth, Integration and Consumer Protection of Rhineland-Palatinate) coordinates prevention and intervention measures against anti-democratic and violent extremism outside the sphere of the security authorities

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Integration Saxony-Anhalt

The State Coordination Office for the Prevention of Islamist Extremism, which forms part of the Team Unit for Democracy Promotion and Civic Involvement in the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Integration, is responsible for the official coordination and networking of all relevant players in the field of Islamist extremism prevention in the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)

The prevention of Islamism in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is coordinated, financed and implemented with services at all three levels of prevention by the Department for the Protection of the Constitution in the Ministry of the Interior. In addition to lectures, publications, exhibition stands and events on the topic, the state-wide prevention program "Wegweiser" and Aussteigerprogramm Islamismus (API) (exit programme from Islamism) are core elements of the prevention work.