Civil society partners ,

Important local partners are the advice centres of civil society organisations.

Advice and consultation network kitab (VAJA e.V.)

The consultation and advice network kitab is operated by the VAJA e.V. Since 1992, the Verein zur Förderung akzeptierender Jugendarbeit e.V. (association to strengthen accepting youth work) has developed into the largest organisation for streetwork and outreach work in Bremen. Through an accepting and real-world oriented approach, VAJA e.V. reaches young people from different environments, scenes and cliques. In addition to seven teams in this field of work, counselling centres complement the services offered by VAJA e.V.

beRATen e.V. – Advice Centre for the Prevention of Neo-Salafi Radicalisation

beRATen e.V. helps people seeking advice to assess disturbing changes in the behaviour of their child, pupil, friend or partner if they give the impression that they are taking on extremist religious attitudes.

Bidaya Competence Centre for the Prevention of Religious Extremism

The Bidaya Competence Centre was established at the end of 2017 by a decision of the Interministerial Working Group (IMAG) "Framework for Action for Democracy and Tolerance" of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state government in the CJD North association.

Grenzgänger counselling network

The Grenzgänger counselling network is an information and advice centre for people seeking advice who are confronted with the issue of religiously motivated extremism. Since its foundation in 2012, the advisory network has been working in cooperation with Advice Centre on Radicalisation of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and is responsible for the entire federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Grüner Vogel e. V.

The counselling service ‘Leben’ (meaning ‘life’), is implemented by the non-profit NGO ‘Grüner Vogel e.V.’ (meaning ‘Green Bird’), provides counselling for relatives of as well as radicalised persons themselves. Together with the multiprofessional team, a path to a self-determined life will be developed.

Legato - systemic counselling - advice and competence centre for religiously based radicalisation

The Legato advice centre offers systemic counselling for those wishing to leave extremist groups and is also a competence centre for religiously based radicalisation. Legato advises the relatives and the social environment of people who represent a violent extremist interpretation of religion and/or feel part of a social milieu in which such an interpretation of religion is dominant.

PROvention - Prevention and Counselling Centre against Religious Extremism

The PROvention team advises relatives, friends and acquaintances of people affected by extremist behaviour and expressions in their environment. PROvention offers assistance in assessing and coping with the situation and helps to interrupt the radicalisation process.

Salam Advice Centre against Islamist Radicalisation

The "Salam Advice Centre against Islamist Radicalisation" in Rhineland-Palatinate helps to identify and deal with religiously based radicalisation, but also to resolve unfounded suspicions of radicalisation.

Saxony Exit Programme

The Saxony Exit Programme supports people who find themselves in the sphere of influence of extremist groups or movements, who want to break away from them and need support to do so. The aim is to enable those dropouts to make a new start in German society. We address all those in Saxony who, in their previous activities, have consciously rejected the democratic foundations of German society and considered militancy and violence against others and state institutions as legitimate means - but who now seem to be ready to get out.In addition to exit counselling, we accompany and support parents and relatives as well as social networks of radicalising or extremist people on matters of individual contact, social interaction, conflict resolution and possible influence.The Saxony Exit Programme is a joint project of the Saxony State Prevention Council and non-governmental organisations.

Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
Bavaria Advice Centre

The aim of the Bavarian Advice Centre is to prevent the radicalisation of young people or to ensure their deradicalisation. Its task is to quickly address at-risk young people in the local environment of extremist Salafism and to initiate the exit and reintegration processes from a radicalisation process that has already taken place.