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As the federal Advice Centre on Radicalisation, we work with partners throughout Germany to provide you with local and personal support.

All of our partners all have very well trained employees who have a lot of experience in counselling and advisory activities. You can use the map below to get information about our partners.

You are also welcome to contact us first. We will help you in any case!

If the first telephone consultation shows that your child, friend or student is becoming radicalised, we will discuss the next steps with you. If you want, we can put you in contact with a counsellor in your region.

In order to be able to provide comprehensive support, we work together with various government and civil society organisations in the respective federal state.

Our cooperation partners are there for you - nationwide.

The teams of our local partners form a network that has years of experience in counselling relatives of radicalised persons.

List view

Ministry of the Interior, Digitisation and Migration of Baden-Wuerttemberg

Competence Centre against Extremism in Baden-Wuerttemberg (konex)

postbox: 10 34 65
70029 Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg

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Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation

Competence Centre for Deradicalisation
Maillingerstraße 15
80636 Munich, Bavaria

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Senate Department for the Interior and Sport

Berlin State Commission against Violence
Klosterstraße 47
10179 Berlin, Berlin

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Senator for the Interior of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

Competence Centre for Deradicalisation and Extremism Prevention (KODEX)
Contrescarpe 22/24
28203 Bremen, Bremen

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Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution

Merianstrasse 100
50765 Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia

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Federal Criminal Police Office

Thaerstrasse 11
65173 Wiesbaden, Hesse

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Federal Agency for Civic Education

Adenauer Allee 86
53113 Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia

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Hamburg State Ministry of Labour, Social, Family Affairs and Integration

Advisory Network on Prevention and Deradicalisation
Hamburger Straße 47
22083 Hamburg, Hamburg

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Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sport

Hessian Information and Competence Centre against Extremism (HKE)
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 12
65185 Wiesbaden, Hesse

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State Agency for Civic Education of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

State Coordination Office for Democracy and Tolerance
Jägerweg 2
19053 Schwerin, Mecklenburg Western Pomerania

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Competence Centre for the Prevention of Islamism in Lower Saxony

Am Waterlooplatz 11
30169 Hannover, Lower Saxony

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Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia

Friedrichstraße 62-80
40217 Duesseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia

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Ministry for Family, Women, Youth, Integration and Consumer Protection of Rhineland-Palatinate

State Coordination Office for the Prevention of Violence and Extremism of Rhineland-Palatinate
Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 5a
55116 Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

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Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Integration Saxony-Anhalt

State Coordination for Islamist extremism prevention in the Team Unit for the Promotion of Democracy and Civic involvement
Turmschanzenstraße 25
39114 Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt

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Saxony State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion

Coordination and Advisory Centre for the Prevention of Radicalisation (KORA)
Albertstraße 10
01097 Dresden, Saxony


Ministry of the Interior, Rural Areas and Integration of Schleswig-Holstein

Ministry of the Interior, Rural Areas and Integration of Schleswig-Holstein
Düsternbrooker Weg 92
24105 Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein

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Advice and consultation network ADERO

Advice and consultation network kitab
Hinter der Mauer 9
28195 Bremen, Bremen

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Aussteigerprogramm Sachsen

postbox: 30 11 25
04251 Leipzig, Saxony

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beRATen e.V. - Beratungsstelle zur Prävention neo-salafistischer Radikalisierung

Herschelstraße 32
30159 Hannover, Lower Saxony

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Grüner Vogel e.V.

Herschelstraße 32
30159 Hannover, Lower Saxony

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Fachstelle Bidaya - Prävention von religiös begründetem Extremismus

Project provider: Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschland e. V. im Verbund CJD Nord
Siegfried-Marcus-Straße 45
17192 Waren (Mueritz), Mecklenburg Western Pomerania

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Beratungsnetzwerk Grenzgänger

Project provider: IFAK e.V.
Kortumstraße 106-108
44787 Bochum, North Rhine Westphalia

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Advice and consultation network ADERO

Advice and consultation network kitab
Hinter der Mauer 9
28195 Bremen, Bremen

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PROvention - Prevention and Counselling Centre against Religious Extremism

Project provider: Türkische Gemeinde Schleswig-Holstein
Elisabethstraße 59
24143 Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein

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Salam Advice Centre against Islamist Radicalisation

Project sponsor: Landesamt für Soziales, Jugend und Versorgung Rheinland-Pfalz
Rheinallee 97-101
55118 Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

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Violence Prevention Network gGmbH

Bavaria Advice Centre
Schillerstraße 27
80336 Munich, Bavaria

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Violence Prevention Network gGmbH

Advice Centre Berlin
Haus 2, 3. Obergeschoss
Bergmannstraße 5
10961 Berlin, Berlin

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Violence Prevention Network gGmbH

Hesse Advice Centre
Leipziger Straße 67
60487 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse

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Violence Prevention Network gGmbH

Saxony Advice Centre
Stieglitzstraße 84
04229 Leipzig, Saxony

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Violence Prevention Network gGmbH

Thuringia Advice Centre
Anger 35
99084 Erfurt, Thuringia

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