Ministry of the Interior, Digitisation and Migration of Baden-Wuerttemberg , , Competence Centre against Extremism in Baden-Wuerttemberg (konex)

True to the motto: "Together against extremism", the Competence Centre against Extremism in Baden-Wuerttemberg (konex) -  formerly Competence Centre for the coordination of the prevention network against (Islamist) extremism in Baden-Wuerttemberg (KPEBW) - and its network partners offer information and advice against religiously and politically motivated extremism.

In addition to the target group-specific further training courses offered by the state education centre deradicalisation, which is part of konex, the core tasks of the competence centre are in particular the counselling of radicalised persons and their immediate social environment to help them to get out of that environment.


Ministry of the Interior, Digitisation and Migration of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Competence Centre against Extremism in Baden-Wuerttemberg (konex)

postbox: 10 34 65
70029 Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg


Telephone: +49 711 279 4555 (general information), +49 711 279 4556 (exit counselling)
Email Write a message
homepage: Competence Centre against Extremism in Baden-Wuerttemberg (konex)