Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation , , Competence Centre for Deradicalization

The Bavaria-wide network for prevention and deradicalisation against Salafism was founded to counter the danger of radicalisation. An important pillar of this network is the "Competence Centre for Deradicalisation" established at the Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation (BLKA).

The task is in particular to coordinate deradicalising approaches in order to prevent, as far as possible, self-endangerment and external threats from religiously motivated persons who are at risk of radicalisation, are in a process of radicalisation or have already become radicalised. In this context, the Competence Centre for Deradicalisation is responsible for

• the coordination of cases that indicate starting points for deradicalisation measures with a focus on the phenomenon of Salafism in Bavaria
• answering questions from the authorities on issues relating to deradicalisation in Bavaria, including ensuring the Bavarian and state-wide exchange of information with partners in the deradicalisation network and cooperation with a civil society institution that offers and provides advice and support to people at risk of becoming radicalised or to people already radicalised


Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation
Competence Centre for Deradicalization

Maillingerstraße 15
80636 Munich, Bavaria


Telephone: +49 89 1212-1999 (weekdays: 08:00 to 16:00 Uhr)
homepage: Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation
Competence Centre for Deradicalization