Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) ,

As a domestic intelligence service, the BfV has the task of investigating threats from political extremism, terrorism and espionage activities in advance of police measures. A major field of activity of the BfV is the collection and evaluation of information on political endeavours that are directed against the free democratic basic order or the existence or security of the Federal Republic of Germany or one of its States (Länder).

In the area of Islamism / Islamist terrorism, the BfV observes both legal organisations that attempt to achieve their goals non-violently through political and social influence, as well as Islamist-terrorist organisations that see the use of violence as an indispensable means. In particular, jihadist groups such as the "Islamic State" and "al-Qaida" pursue a global terrorist agenda and see the use of terrorist violence as an indispensable means in their fight for a theocracy. An Islamist ideology that has been growing for years is Salafism. Salafists not only reject the free democratic basic order, but also claim to be the only Muslims within the Islamic denominations and see themselves as the only "true" Muslims. The Salafi scene is a major recruiting ground for violent jihad.
In order to jointly combat Islamist terrorism, the BAMF and BfV, as well as other national security authorities, work together successfully and in a spirit of trust in the Joint Counter-Terrorism Centre (GTAZ).

The BfV has set up a confidential telephone hotline for information on the planning and preparation of crimes in connection with Islamist terrorism:

Telefon: 0221/792-6000
Email: hinweise@bfv.bund.de


Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV)
Merianstrasse 100
50765 Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia


Telephone: +49 228 99 792-0 or +49 30 18-792-0
Fax: +49 228 99 10 792-2915 or +49 30 18 10 792-2915
Email Write a message
homepage: Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV)