Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) ,

Through its function as a central office, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) supports the police forces of the Federal Republic and the Federal States in this area of politically motivated crime by providing information from reporting services, investigative procedures and evaluation results from national and international partner authorities.

Cooperation with the BAMF and other federal and state security authorities is ensured in the Joint Counter-Terrorism Centre (GTAZ). The members of the GTAZ work together in various working groups. The Working Group on Deradicalisation (AG Deradikalisierung) is a platform for cooperation and the exchanging of ideas and information for experts from the federal and state authorities responsible for deradicalisation.

Important platforms for cooperation at international level are the European Police Office (Europol), the International Criminal Police Organisation (ICPO-Interpol) and the Police Working Group on Terrorism (PWGT). The aim is to ensure an effective exchange of information between the authorities involved while respecting the seperation rule between police and intelligence services.

The BKA does not carry out direct prevention for persons from the spectrum of Islamist-motivated terrorism/extremism. However, it does develop preventive products on a scientific basis that can be used by specialist personnel and bundles well-founded knowledge in this field:

 The extremism handbook on the Internet contains three learning arrangements to promote media-critical skills in dealing with Internet propaganda in schools (www.project-contra.org).
 The handbook on extremism prevention and the accompanying extremism prevention atlas bring together the broad empirical knowledge in the very broad field of extremism prevention and provide an experience-based framework for orientation for the many different practical stakeholders and interested citizens: Handbook on extremism prevention.


Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)
Thaerstrasse 11
65173 Wiesbaden, Hesse


homepage: Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)