Competence Centre for the Prevention of Islamism in Lower Saxony (KIP NI) ,

In 2016, the state government of Lower Saxony established the "Competence Centre for the Prevention of Islamism in Lower Saxony" (KIP NI). This was the first time that a central office was created in Lower Saxony to bundle and institutionalise the activities and already existing networks of state and civil society players in the field of Islamism prevention and to intensify their cooperation. The following ministries and institutions work together in the Competence Centre for the Prevention of Islamism in Lower Saxony:

• the Ministry of the Interior and Sport of Lower Saxony and the Office for the Prevention of Politically Motivated Crime of the State Office of Criminal Investigation of Lower Saxony,
• the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Equality of Lower Saxony
• the Ministry of Justice of Lower Saxony,
• the Ministry for Education and Culture of Lower Saxony.

The KIP NI is managed by the Ministry of the Interior and Sport of Lower Saxony and is represented in equal parts by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Lower Saxony and the State Office of Criminal Investigation of Lower Saxony. KIP NI is currently being expanded into a state programme. In the future state program, too, the State Office of Criminal Investigation of Lower Saxony will primarily be responsible for coordinating the processing of individual cases, while the Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Lower Saxony will coordinate the strategic development of Islamism prevention and information management for Lower Saxony. In addition, involvement at local level is an important goal of the KIP NI. For this purpose, the interdepartmental KIP NI-WG "Communal structures for the prevention of Islamism" (KoStI) is entrusted with the support and supervision of the establishment of local prevention networks.

The KIP NI includes two programmes that work directly with those affected by Islamist or Salafist radicalisation: the exit programme "Aktion Neustart" (Operation Restart) of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Lower Saxony and the association beRATen e. V., which is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Equality.


Competence Centre for the Prevention of Islamism in Lower Saxony
Am Waterlooplatz 11
30169 Hannover, Lower Saxony


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