Saxony State Ministry for Social Affairs and Social Cohesion , , Coordination and Advisory Centre for the Prevention of Radicalisation (KORA)

The Coordination and Advice Centre on the Prevention of Radicalisation (KORA) acts as Saxony's initial and referral advice centre for individual cases of (suspected) radicalisation and has been working across all phenomena since 2023, i.e. not just for the phenomenon of Islamist extremism.. KORA supports with tailormade intervention measures and helps people affected by extremist radicalisation and their social environment in cooperation with their partners. In the area of Islamist extremism KORA works closely with two providers for counselling services: the Violence Prevention Network gGmbH (VPN) and the AUSSTEIGERPROGRAMM Sachsen (APro).

Anyone seeking advice can call 0351 / 56 45 49 49 (available Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM).

Pillar 1: Strengthening structures

  • Round table on security issues between police departments, Muslim organisations and relevant municipal and civil society actors (implemented by the KORA coordinators)
  • Information, awarenessraising and training courses (implemented by VPN)

KORA provides information and awareness-raising events to strengthen skills in dealing with extremism and radicalisation. The offer is aimed at fulltime and voluntary workers who in their direct (working) environment have contact with people vulnerable to radicalisation or at risk of radicalisation, e.g. teachers, social workers in youth and probation services, employees of reli-gious and civil society organisations, employees of security and judicial authorities. In addition, specific prevention offerings are provided for young people: prevention workshops for teenagers and young adults.The focus is on the topics of "diversity as a resource" (identity, anti-discrimination, gender roles, etc.) and "media skills, fake news and disinformation" (recognising image manipulation, shaping digital communication spaces, etc.).

Pillar 2: Counselling for the social and professional environment

  • Counselling for relatives (e.g. parents, siblings) of a radicalised person respectively a person vulnerable to radicalisation (implemented by APro)
  • Counselling for the wider social or professional environment (e.g. teachers, social workers) of a radicalised person or a person in the process of radicalisation (implemented by A-Pro)

Pillar 3: Dissociation assistance

  • Counselling for people in the process of radicalisation who are willing to talk and those without an intrinsic motivation to disengage (implemented by VPN)

Pillar 4: Disengagement assistance

  • Counselling for people who want to disengage from extremist movements and groups (implemented by APro)

The counselling provided is always mobile, free of charge, confidential and, if desired, anonymous.

Preventive measures in the penal system and probation services

The pillars No 2, 3 and 4 are also offered in the Saxon prison system and in probation services. In addition, VPN implements the project "Prisma Sachsen" in cooperation with the „Ver-ein für soziale Rechtspflege Dresden e.V. (VSR)“. APro is another cooperation partner of the project. The project includes the following services:

  • Antiviolence and skills training - AKT® (group programme)
  • Parental coaching

KORA is a project led by the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Cohesion in cooperati-on with the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior and the Saxon State Ministry of Justice, Democracy, European Affairs and Gender Equality. KORA is linked to the "Demokratie-Zentrum Sachsen" (Saxon Centre for Democracy).

In general, KORA works in close coordination with the BAMF's Advice Centre on Radicalisation. Cases in Saxony that become known to the BAMF are handed over to KORA counselling partners.


Coordination and Advisory Centre for the Prevention of Radicalisation (KORA)
Albertstraße 10
01097 Dresden, Saxony


Telephone: +49 351 56 45 49 49 (Monday-Friday 9:00-16:00 Uhr)
Email Write a message
Coordination and Advisory Centre for the Prevention of Radicalisation (KORA)