Ministry of the Interior, Rural Areas and Integration of Schleswig-Holstein , , State Democracy Centre (at the State Prevention Council) of Schleswig-Holstein

The State Coordination Office against religiously motivated is located at the Schleswig-Holstein State Democracy Centre (LDZ). The Centre (part of the State Prevention Council) pools the resources of federal and state programmes in the field of extremism prevention and intervention as well as the promotion of democracy. A special focus is on the prevention and combating of right-wing extremism, religiously motivated extremism and other phenomena rejecting principles of the democratic consitution of state, such as Islamophobia and homophobia. The LDZ supports various specialist information and counselling centres in these areas, such as the Prevention and Counselling Centre Centre against Religious Extremism, PROvention. It also supports associations, organisations, initiatives and private individuals who wish to implement measures to prevent extremism on a local level. The LDZ announces suitable project tenders to project partners.

The State Coordination Office is responsible for the strategic coordination, administrative management and monitoring of prevention projects. In doing so, the State Coordination Unit focuses on the needs of the federal state. A further task is to network and identify suitable projects and project partners. The network function is achieved in such a way that the authorities and ministries involved have a central contact point in the State Coordination Office. The same applies to civil society organisations. Joint events are organised by the Advice Centre and the State Coordination Office on a case-by-case basis and, if necessary, with the involvement of other players. At the technical level, there is the permanent possibility of setting up specialist working groups in which civil society actors and authorities can participate.


Landesdemokratiezentrum (beim Landespräventionsrat) Schleswig-Holstein
Ministerium für Inneres, ländliche Räume und Integration des Landes Schleswig-Holstein

Düsternbrooker Weg 92
24105 Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein


Telephone: +49 431 988 3151
Fax: +49 431 988 614 3155
Email Write a message
homepage: State Democracy Centre (at the State Prevention Council) of Schleswig-Holstein