Bidaya Competence Centre for the Prevention of Religious Extremism ,

Bidaya Competence Centre for the Prevention of Religious Extremism

The Bidaya Competence Centre was established at the end of 2017 by a decision of the Interministerial Working Group (IMAG) "Framework for Action for Democracy and Tolerance" of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state government in the CJD North association.

The offering is aimed at various target groups, from professionals, relatives and authorities and institutions to people who want to distance themselves and get out of radicalisation. It includes needs-oriented further education and training, workshops and awareness raising measures; client-centred counselling that strengthens confidence in action, as well as distance and exit assistance in individual cases.

The goals of the Bidaya Competence Centre can be described as follows:
• recognize religious radicalisation and counteracting it;
• Helping young people to distance themselves from extremist attitudes and develop alternative perspectives for their lives;
• Strengthening the confidence of teachers, child and youth welfare professionals, schools and relevant players in the social space
• Mitigating hostility to Islam and Muslims by providing information about religion and culture;
• Empowering self-organisations of immigrants to counteract religious extremism with their own preventive measures;
• Interreligious and intercultural counselling in the development of integration measures;
• Counteracting polarisation in society by objectifying the debates.


Project provider: Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschland e. V. im Verbund CJD Nord
Siegfried-Marcus-Straße 45
17192 Waren (Mueritz), Mecklenburg Western Pomerania


Telephone: +49 3991 6738587
mobile: +49 160 8045287
Email Write a message
homepage: Bidaya Competence Centre for the Prevention of Religious Extremism