Specialist centre for Islam in Brandenburg State ,

The Specialist centre for Islam in Brandenburg State was founded in 2017 as a project of RAA Brandenburg (Regional Offices for Education, Integration and Democracy Brandenburg) and is funded by "Tolerantes Brandenburg" as part of the federal programme "Demokratie leben".

Since then, it has acted as a point of contact for governmental and non-governmental organisations as well as local authorities, public and independent child and youth work providers, welfare organisations, schools and associations in Brandenburg. It provides advice and organises training courses about Islam. All services offered by the Specialist Centre for Islam are free of charge for institutions in Brandenburg.

Topics for advice services and training include:

  • Life in Muslim communities in Brandenburg,
  • Historical, religious and cultural knowledge, country of origin information,
  • prevention of radicalisation, extremism, and hostility against Muslims,
  • Individual and group advice on the topics mentioned.

All training courses and advice sessions are offered online if required.


Zum Jagenstein 1
14478 Potsdam, Brandenburg


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homepage: Fachstelle Islam im Land Brandenburg