Grenzgänger counselling network ,

The Grenzgänger counselling network is an information and advice centre for people seeking advice who are confronted with the issue of religiously motivated extremism. Since its foundation in 2012, the advisory network has been working in cooperation with Advice Centre on Radicalisation of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and is responsible for the entire federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The counselling is free of charge, confidential and available in various languages.

The project is implemented by IFAK e.V. in Bochum. IFAK e.V. is a non-profit, politically neutral and nondenominational self-organisation of immigrants and natives on a municipal level. It is responsible for several institutions, projects and measures in the field of intercultural child and youth welfare and migration social work in various districts of Bochum. Due to high demand, the range of services offered by IFAK e.V. has been further developed and expanded, so that the Grenzgänger counselling network and the Anschluss counselling network are carrying out important intervention work in the area of religiously motivated radicalisation for many years.

Details of the offerings


The Grenzgänger counselling centre advises both the networks of people who are in a process of change and people who want to break away from the relevant scene and ideology.

Our systemic counselling first reflects on the problems brought into the counselling process and then contributes to the improvement of life situations, in particular by activating resources and networks. This approach is based on the assumption that the deradicalisation of affected people at every level of radicalisation works best through forming good and close relationships and that this promises the greatest success.

In this context, intensive discussions are held with people seeking advice and joint action strategies are developed; psychological counselling and trauma therapy are also offered. There are also authorities and schools that receive advice.

The interaction of people seeking advice is encouraged by initiating meetings with relatives.

Those seeking advice are looked after by an interdisciplinary, multilingual team which, due to its diverse composition in terms of origin, religious affiliation, age and gender, is also proving to be very effective for the counselling process.
In addition, since 2017, the Anschluss counselling network, as part of the Grenzgänger counselling centre, has been providing information and advice to people seeking advice who work in the context of migration and flight and are confronted with religiously motivated extremism in the course of their work.

Intervention and deradicalisation

In the field of intervention and deradicalisation, the Grenzgänger counselling network works with people and those seeking advice who are affected by the problem and who wish to receive help and information.

In one-on-one conversations it is possible to speak frankly and build a mutual relationship. In this context it is very important to work as much as possible through "personal contacts". This can create a feeling of closeness, which is essential when dealing with such a sensitive issue as radicalisation. Without focusing on the topic of "deradicalisation", it is then possible to work systematically on the topic in these discussions in such a way that the achievement of a general state of well-being is considered desirable and extremist ideas become less and less important in this context.

Further education and training

The Grenzgänger advisory centre offers events and workshops for various target groups. The number of participants and also the content of the offerings can vary.

Depending on the target group (teachers, pupils, educational staff, etc.) there are different needs. Grenzgänger counselling centre develops tailor-made content in consultation with the participants, so that the participants emerge from the events stronger and are then more confident in dealing with the issues.
The following topics are on the curriculum:
• General knowledge transfer on the subject area, information about Islam and radicalisation
• Identifying problematic situations and how to deal with them, reducing uncertainty

Depending on the target group, the contents are conveyed through various forms of individual and group work. Lectures as well as role play and reflection phases form part of a workshop day and are provided in alternation.

Dates and duration of the events can be arranged individually.


Project provider: IFAK e.V.
Kortumstraße 106-108
44787 Bochum, North Rhine Westphalia


Telephone: +49 234 687 266 64
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homepage: Grenzgänger counselling network