Legato - systemic counselling - advice and competence centre for religiously based radicalisation ,

The Legato advice centre offers systemic counselling for those wishing to leave extremist groups and is also a competence centre for religiously based radicalisation. Legato advises the relatives and the social environment of people who represent a violent extremist interpretation of religion and/or feel part of a social milieu in which such an interpretation of religion is dominant.

People who are willing to distance themselves ("those wishing to leave") are also given intensive support. In addition, Legato offers counselling, information and further training for professionals.

The bodies responsible for the project are the "Vereinigung Pestalozzi gGmbH" and "Ambulante Maßnahmen Altona e.V." The counselling centre is financed by the Hamburg State Min-istry of Labour, Social, Family Affairs and Integration (BASFI).


Palmaille 35a
22767 Hamburg, Hamburg


Telephone: +49 40 38902952
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homepage: Legato - Systemische Ausstiegsberatung Fachberatungsstelle für religiös begründetet Konflikte