SALAM - Specialist and advice centre for the prevention of violence and radicalisation ,

The SALAM specialist and advice centre has been operating in the state of Saxony-Anhalt since 2017. The advice centre's services are aimed at different groups, ranging from professionals and public sector employees to individual case constellations. It includes needs-based training and further education, workshops and awareness-raising measures, peer counselling and collaborative casework as well as direct work with individuals and relatives.

We help professionals to analyse and deal with particularly challenging and violent conflicts as well as individual cases of radicalisation, especially in the areas of school education, youth work and family, and to identify extremist agitation harmful to young people, for example on the internet, as well as individual radicalisation dynamics among adolescents and young adults, and support them in analysing and effectively dealing with any problems.

Our multi-professional teams combine expertise in regional and Islamic studies, sociology, criminology, education and social work and provide practical expert knowledge and support, as well as systemic solutions to individual cases. We work together with child and youth work organisations, civil society organisations and religious actors as well as state institutions.


Project management: Hallesche Jugendwerkstatt gGmbH
Heinrich-Franck-Str. 2
06112 Halle, Saxony-Anhalt


Telephone: +49 1520 2002393
mobile: +49 1520 2002387
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homepage: Fach- und Beratungsstelle Gewalt- und Radikalisierungsprävention SALAM