Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
PREVENT - Advice center Berlin

The Berlin Advice Centre is there for adolescents and young adults who are evidently subject to a process of radicalisation in the context of religiously based extremism and who have not yet formulated any motivation to leave. Young people who want to distance themselves from the extremist scene can also find advice and contacts at the Berlin Advice Centre. Relatives and supporters of teenagers and young adults who want to leave the extremist scene and distance themselves from it are also welcome at the Berlin Advice Centre.

The Berlin Advice Centre is part of the deradicalisation network of the Senate Department of the Interior and Sports of the State of Berlin and is operated by the Violence Prevention Network.


Violence Prevention Network e.V.
PREVENT – Advice Centre Berlin

Haus 2, 3. Obergeschoss
Bergmannstraße 5
10961 Berlin, Berlin


Telephone: +49 30 544 677 79 (Hotline: +49 30 23 911 300)
Email Write a message
homepage: Violence Prevention Network e.V.
PREVENT – Advice Centre Berlin