Violence Prevention Network gGmbH
Thuringia Advice Centre

For interested institutions, the Thuringia Advice Centre offers coaching and further training events on the subject of Islam. The primary goal is to strengthen the competence of the staff.

In addition, it is about recognising Islamophobic argumentation with the aim of appropriating strategies to break it down and/or decrypt it. This is the precondition for a solution-oriented and non-judgmental pedagogical attitude and a targeted interaction with one another. The target group of the coaching and advanced training events are the specialists of child and youth welfare services, as well as teachers and educators.

The Violence Prevention Network is a network of experienced professionals who have been working successfully for years in the prevention of extremism and the deradicalisation of perpetrators of violence with extremist motivations. The Violence Prevention Network team has been working successfully since 2001 in the field of reducing ideologically or religiously motivated serious acts of violence committed by adolescents and young adults. Since 2013, the Violence Prevention Network has been cooperating with the Advice Centre on Radicalisation of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

Violence Prevention Network

Violence Prevention Network ist ein Verbund erfahrener Fachkräfte, die seit Jahren mit Erfolg in der Extremismusprävention und Deradikalisierung extremistisch motivierter Gewalttäter*innen tätig sind. Das Team von Violence Prevention Network arbeitet seit 2001 erfolgreich im Bereich der Verringerung von ideologisch bzw. religiös motivierten schweren und schwersten Gewalttaten von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Seit 2013 arbeitet Violence Prevention Network mit der Beratungsstelle Radikalisierung des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge zusammen.

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Thuringian Advice Centre
Project provider: Violence Prevention Network e.V.

Anger 35
99084 Erfurt, Thuringia


Telephone: +49 361 30 26 20 31
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homepage: Violence Prevention Network
Thuringia Advice Centre